What is Comsa (CMS) coin?


Comsa is a very promising and attractive project that can improve the financial position of companies striving to futurize their business.

The developers of the project Comsa the developers of the project Comsa is the company Tech Bureau – a Japanese company founded in 2014. Of the interesting facts from the history of the company, there is that in the beginning of 2015, they bought one of the largest crypto-exchanges in Japan, called “Etwings”, and then made its rebranding, and in April 2015, it began to wear the name “Zaif”.

In the possession of the company Tech Bureau is a project called “Mijin”– which deals with private blockchain technologies. Now let’s explain what private blockchain technologies are. All blockchain technology such cryptocurrency as Bitcoin and Ether, is based on open code, which allows you to track all changes in the network. But there are companies of a closed type, which do not need to have access to their project by outsiders, for such organizations suitable use of private blockchain. Mijin is based on the NEM technology, not for nothing in its development participated 3 creators NEM. Who doesn’t know what it is, click here.

About COMSA project

As we have already written, one of the main tasks of COMSA, will be implementation of blockchain technologies in business. The main aspects to be followed by COMSA will be:

  • Use of Hybrid tokens that will work on Ether blockchain and NEM blockchain. There is information that it will work with Bitcoin too.
  • The tokens that will be issued will be tied to BTC, ETH, NEM or fiat money.
  • Crypto Exchange Zaif will guarantee the listing of tokens and insure it.

Project Comsa plans to earn from two types of activities: consulting services – consulting on the implementation of blockchain technologies in the business, and obtaining licenses. Comsa will receive money for licenses, which will be used by Mijin participants.

Comsa token distribution

The initial value of the CMS token will be equal to 1 dollar. If the ICO will have a total of $10 million, then 20 million CMS tokens will be released. That is:

50% – tokens sold on ICO;

25% – tokens located in the reserve;

20% – tokens belonging to the company Tech Bureau;

5% – tokens spent on referral programs and bonuses.

A very interesting point is that if you bought a CMS tokens on the ICO COMSA, you can use them to buy extra tokens of projects, the ICO which will be held on the platform Comsa with a 5% bonus.

Disadvantages of Comsa

The only drawback of COMSA is the lack of the final figure when raising funds on the ICO. This means that an unpredictable amount can be collected during the ICO, which will be held from October 2 to November 6. It all depends on the marketing department of the project Comsa.

Prospects of Comsa

The project Comsa predicted a successful future, because at the stage of pre-ICO he invested such large Japanese venture funds as FISCO, Caica, NTVP, Infoteria Corp. and others. This pre-ICO has scored about 9 million dollars, and recall that the ICO starts today.

Though the project itself has just started its ICO, but on the official site there is information that on the platform Comsa, will happen 2 ICO, already this year.

Part of their profits, developers will use to purchase their tokens to be called CMS. And after the purchase they will “burn”, which will raise the price of CMS (COMSA).

Where to buy cryptocurrency Comsa

If you still decided to buy a few tokens COMSA, then you need to go to the official site of the project comsa.io/ru/#sale and register, to get a link to be aware of everything happening. Start of sales starts on October 2 at 5 o’clock in the morning in Kiev and Moscow.


On this all dear friends, we tried as we could to describe the project Comsa in simple words, and you already tried to tell us to reveal the topic or not. But let’s say to you one thing that we still have an alarm clock on 5:00 to buy coins of this interesting project. If you are interested in already working projects, read the article about cryptocurrency Qtum, about which we wrote yesterday.


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